A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind,as well as the body.

Benjamin Franklin

It’s YOUR life. When will you choose to truly live it?

Monday, July 2, 2012

3 more months ...in the clear!

In 3 months I will have cleared all my debt to credit cards. Yahoo! Damm right this deserves a BIG yahoo. I do have one thats on line. Very low ..about 150 bucks which I plan to hold on to for a while. Since I don't have a car to get places this has been a good place to buy things I need. But when I get the van up and I'm going say bye bye to that one too. My credit btw is shot. In a few years I guess I can make it better. But I really don't care less about it. Ta ta to them is really all I want.

This month of July I am writing down every nickel and dime on what I am spending. I would like to know how much I will be saving once I am on the road which is getting coming closer than I think. I get butterfly's and dizzy when I think about it. I only really have one thing I really want to get once I save up enough in the van. New hearing aids!!!


  1. Congrats!!! I'm jealous because you're getting there almost a year before me.

  2. Don't know what to say Steve. My payment due was much lower than yours Im sure. Your doing great!! In one year you'll be debt free and I want to hear about it!!

  3. We need to really make an effort to get our debt under control also. Especially with all the medical bills from Jim's two surgeries this year. It has really hurt financially. But we'll get there. Congrats to you. You're almost free.

  4. Thank you. It took a long time for me as I was out of work for a bit. It was hard but I made the effort each week to put some of my pay to get out from under this debt. You will get there and like me it will take some adjusting in your part. Haven't been to the movies in 5 years ...ugh!

  5. Good on ya! Glad you're nearly out of debt. Stay free from now on and be happy! :) I never bothered with credit from the get go. :) just relied on my atm cards. hope you find your van soon!

  6. You're not missing much... movies, i mean. These days all the shows seem to want to remake my fond childhood memories and turn them into a farce.

  7. LOL I know really. Id rather wait to see the FREE DVD when it comes out at the library. Frugal I am!

  8. Just reading some of your older posts and found this one...Hopped over via other van dwellers blogs...I am working towards a similar goal..I will be out of debt (AGAIN) in 5 months! IVE gotten out of debt many times before...its never easy but you can only DO It with a PLAN and it becomes a great game of "tag You're IT" THE LAST TIME I was so proud to pay off a $26K debt in 2 yrs and saved 10k to boot in order to start over and move out of NYC, IT WAS A GREAT THING! That was 6 yrs ago, now IM saving in order to retire in 2 yrs time AND HIT the road! Im not planning to live in my van, just travel till I get enough! Enjoyed reading your plan of escape!

  9. Thanks Sondra. I think its great that you got out of such a large debt!! It does take commitment. I wish it could be 2 years for me...more like 4. I have one more credit payment and then Im free. :)


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