A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind,as well as the body.

Benjamin Franklin

It’s YOUR life. When will you choose to truly live it?

Saturday, December 31, 2011

A New Year to look ahead. Collecting my stuff

I have so many plans for the new years. Not resolutions because it sounds like wishful thinking to me. Good plans and most of them involve in approving my life as where I'm going to live. I really believe it will change many other things in my life...for the good. I want to start going to the gym. Well I do need to take a shower some where ...right? Where I work there is a walking/biking trail. Its here I use to bring my dog there when she was alive. I lost my any will to continue when she past away. Since I will be living right there I liked to start doing it again. Habits take a full 3 months to form. Im not sure where I read that but I believe it. Thats why so many resolutions fail. To many changes at one time and its really unrealistic.
So here I am collecting things for the van. They may change according to my tastes but its a start. Yes I know its Amazon time!!! I love Amazon for its reviews mostly. Prices aren't bad either.

Ok so most of the things I have ordered have come. I also got a stove and a hand full of other things. I just need the van now. In time. Now Im a 52 year old woman. I don't have children so of course no grandchildren. So why O why did I receive this?

LOL yeah baby formula with coupons and all. Anybody know where I can give this to? A charity perhaps?
Which brings me to another line here. I'd to do some sort of charity work but with me working 12 hours day for now I think it will have to wait, I could and I am starting to crochet again so that may be where I can head even while Im still working. Blankies anyone?
So until next......have a GREAT day!

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