A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind,as well as the body.

Benjamin Franklin

It’s YOUR life. When will you choose to truly live it?

Friday, September 28, 2012

I need to keep positive about this.

I hate my job to the point I just want to run away. I hate the person I have become. I was once a nature person. I loved the long walks with my dogs and yes a few cats that followed us too. I was an early riser wanting to catch the sun rising while I got to face it with my furry charges running around me. I loved to paint. Reading was such joy. I loved to write. I loved to sew and ride my bike with a furry one strapped in  her basket.   Life was good ....and then I got this job. Been here now for almost 25 years. Let me tell you first all I had other jobs but came back to this because it paid better. But and thats a BUT its off the books and has no medical. In 2 years time I can retire. It does not mean I can collect because I have about 15 years to go. I am trying to build my own little business. And then there's the big BUT again...I am too tired to do anything when I get home. I mean zilch. So it doesn't advance.
So this is my short term deal here. The reason for job camping is so I can stock money away. I will be paying my taxes for the next 2 years myself so I can get the rest of my credits. I will be giving up one day a week when I get in the van so I can get some relief. Longer deal ....I may keep working after I pay all my credits but only 3 days and explore the land around me while working on my crafts the other 4. I think I can do well with crafts because I make things we all need and wear. Even if I sell just a few I dont need much. I really do with out. I don't need to be comfortable all the time. My life has shown me I am stronger than I think. I don't need to be afraid anymore. Life is just a waiting game and I want to be a player!!!


  1. M, I'm gonna share with you a trick my lil sis taught me to help me through the rough times. Put up a picture or two of the things you're striving for ... AT WORK ... so no matter how shitty it maybe ... you have a reminder to help keep you focused on the prize. Fight on sister!

    1. Thats a good trick Steve. I am going to do just that. They will be my first pictures I have hung up here in this little place. And one will be the dog picture. Thanks

  2. You go girl! I'm rooting for you, Michelle. I know that you will make it out. :) See you on the RVLiving Forum...

    1. Thanks Angeli that means a lot to me! See you around.


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